Avid readers of GONOGO will have followed last weeks strip with glee because we are tying everything together in a nice little bow. Our Private Dick reveals that he is hot on the trail of Mayor McChez and he hints at a wider conspiracy involving the pharmaceutical companies. I am a fan of the film Noir genre, and this series of episodes have tried to hit lots of the tropes. Chinatown is of course a big influence, hence the band-aid on P.I. Remex’s face, and the hints at the greater, unknowable forces at work (Big Pharma…Big Water) No noir parody would be complete without the rapid fire back-and-forth, which figures prominently in this episode (so much so that it breaks with the format of the strip entirely)
This is the penultimate strip before the midseason finale. I hope to take stock and check-in with you loyal readers then to see if you like where things are headed in the comic (and to see exactly how many of you are out there) I would also like to know how you are reading GONOGO? (From GONOGOCOMIC.com, Facebook, Webtoonz, Twitter, etc?)