by Jared Davis
by Jared Davis
by Jared Davis
by Jared Davis
This week’s rerun features the first appearance of one of our favorite characters
by Jared Davis
Avid readers of GONOGO will have followed last weeks strip with glee because we are tying everything together in a nice little bow. Our Private Dick reveals that he is hot on the trail of Mayor McChez and he hints at a wider conspiracy involving the pharmaceutical companies. I am a fan of the film Noir genre, and this series of episodes have tried to hit lots of the tropes. Chinatown is of course a big influence, hence the band-aid on P.I. Remex’s face, and the hints at the greater, unknowable forces at work (Big Pharma…Big Water) No noir parody would be complete without the rapid fire back-and-forth, which figures prominently in this episode (so much so that it breaks with the format of the strip entirely)
This is the penultimate strip before the midseason finale. I hope to take stock and check-in with you loyal readers then to see if you like where things are headed in the comic (and to see exactly how many of you are out there) I would also like to know how you are reading GONOGO? (From GONOGOCOMIC.com, Facebook, Webtoonz, Twitter, etc?)
by Jared Davis
And so, as mysteriously as he arrived, Mayor McChez departs…stage left. It is unclear if the all-beef-patty of politics will ever answer for his crimes. I suppose if we take the idea that he is a metaphor for events happening around us, then it is absolutely plausible that he will get off scot-free. He’ll probably even be able to block any commission formed to investigate his crimes…
We must also bid adieu to another character that has been with us from the start: The freezer filled with expired boner pills and cash. We never really got a chance to say goodbye…
by Jared Davis
by Jared Davis
I started this comic as a way to deal with the pandemic. Most of the first part of “Season 1 A” was written and drawn about a year ago. Back then, if you can remember that far, we had a President that wasn’t very good. I created our beloved “Mayor McChez” as a way to deal with that guy. I know it’s a bit juvenile, but to my way of thinking, Mayor McChez fits perfectly as a stand in for the former president. His suit is flashy and ill-fitting, he signals his importance by wearing a goddamn sash that announces his title and he has a giant cheeseburger for a face. He has the sorta face that begs the question, who voted for this guy?
Of course, the root of all evil in politics is not just one bun-faced idiot, it’s money; which is why it’s only natural that the freezer full of expired boner pills and CA$H belongs to this guy. This episode ends with him falling into the Potomac, facing an uncertain fate. I suppose that was my way of coping with the last guy in office…that is, if I draw it, maybe it will come true…
by Jared Davis
The bots may have won this round. Facebook has denied me the ability to advertise this week’s cartoon, for nebulous reasons, but I suspect it’s because I have the words “Republican” and “Asinine” in the same sentence. Its funny that the week I get blocked is the same week that the former President gets blocked by Facebook. I have been aspiring to have this little satiric cartoon be “politics lite” because it is part of my lived experience here in DC. That is, while politics is ever present in my life, it is not the main focus. There are, however, certain universal truths, like putting “Republican” and “Asinine” in the same sentence.
Fortunately there are things that the bots simply wont catch. I doubt that they have seen the commercial with the gorilla and the Samsonite luggage from the 80’s. The derecho of 2013? Or my universal metaphor for a corrupt politician, Mayor McChez. Mr. Mayor is the first outside character to be introduced in the GONOGO Multiverse. How can you not love a politician with a cheeseburger for a face? We will be seeing some more of him in the coming episodes, but rest assured he’s not moving in under the bridge with the boys, he’s going to be long gone before the bots catch on….