The whole point of this months GONOGO (with Teddy Roosevelt professing to love animals in order to shoot the bejesus out of them) is the contradiction (or paradox?) that someone would preserve wildlife in order to shoot it. I hope that it is not lost on my readers that this was the Republican stance over a hundred years ago. In a way, Teddy’s paradoxical view is light years away from where the current parties stand on these issues. It will be interesting to know how the Republican Party will react to the attempted assassination of Trump, however I doubt the answer for them will ever be “fewer guns”. It will not be lost on my readers that Teddy Roosevelt also survived an assassination attempt (and kept his speech rolling for a 50 minutes after being shot in the chest) which proves that GONOGO is once again “predicting the future”… It is my sincere hope that we, as Americans, can steer our parties away from the extremes and towards the center, even if it’s a paradox like Teddy’s.
Episode 2: Awash with Money
Episode 2 of the “reruns” drops today. See the Full size at GONOGOCOMIC.COM
Two All Beef Patties of “NOPE”

The bots may have won this round. Facebook has denied me the ability to advertise this week’s cartoon, for nebulous reasons, but I suspect it’s because I have the words “Republican” and “Asinine” in the same sentence. Its funny that the week I get blocked is the same week that the former President gets blocked by Facebook. I have been aspiring to have this little satiric cartoon be “politics lite” because it is part of my lived experience here in DC. That is, while politics is ever present in my life, it is not the main focus. There are, however, certain universal truths, like putting “Republican” and “Asinine” in the same sentence.
Fortunately there are things that the bots simply wont catch. I doubt that they have seen the commercial with the gorilla and the Samsonite luggage from the 80’s. The derecho of 2013? Or my universal metaphor for a corrupt politician, Mayor McChez. Mr. Mayor is the first outside character to be introduced in the GONOGO Multiverse. How can you not love a politician with a cheeseburger for a face? We will be seeing some more of him in the coming episodes, but rest assured he’s not moving in under the bridge with the boys, he’s going to be long gone before the bots catch on….